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Snowy Winter Decorating...

We've had several snowy days lately and our entryway decorating is feeling pretty snowy, too!

The mantel has some little bears with trailers full of snowballs.  These are from bags of mixed sizes of styrofoam balls from the dollar store.  They are quite sparkly just as they are, 
but you could embellish them if you wanted to.

I love blue, green, and white colors for winter...

The big printable from Dear Lillie 
still makes a big wall statement...

Just inside the front door, snowmen have gathered...

I love the look of the scarves...
the tartan one on the far left belonged to my mother-in-law, 
and brings good memories to mind...

I copied an old fruit label, to decorate the side of the crate...

It's fun to bring in some 
fresh winter decorating after Christmas!

Until next time...


  1. Your entryway looks so inviting and lively with all your winter touches! How nice that you've held onto your mother-in-law's wool scarf and can display it in your home. Your snowman collection is so cute and I love the winter scene you've propped on the shelf alongside them. How perfect! Love the chalkboard printable, too!

    Stay warm these next few days, Linda!

  2. I love the touches of green in the scarves. That is so sweet to have your MIL scarf. I miss my wonderful MIL...she was so good to me. She had a great sense of humor too. Blessings to you and yours Linda. xoxo, Susie

  3. I loved every photo of your winter decor Linda!!!!!! This was great to be able to see how you use such wonderful vintage finds in your decorating. I am crazy for the snowman, but actually would like to sneak in when you're gone and take the whole lot of it :)))) Have a wonderful weekend dear friend!!!
    much love...

  4. Perfectly lovely and totally welcoming.... I just love the way you decorate your home throughout the year.

    We didn't get any snow yesterday and I was quite disappointed :(

    Great new look blog too Linda you have been busy :)


  5. So cute! I've never figured out how to do those printables on chalkboards. Can you explain it to me?

    1. Thank you, Brenda! I bought a download for this one over on She has many styles and all different sizes...the instructions come with the download. But the big ones you just have printed as an engineering black and white print at Staples or office max/depot. It usually is around $4 to print, and I order it online with the file I buy from her. Smaller sizes you can do on your printer.

  6. Your winter vignette is adorable and welcoming, Linda. Love the greens and blues. I always enjoy seeing your vintage treasures. Stay warm!

  7. Love your entry way. Your snowmen are so cute and say come on in! Happy Friday.

  8. What a sweet, sweet welcome home when you come in that door. Love the snowmen and I really love that you have your MIL's scarf there. How sweet is that! What a cute crate with the snow owl on it, too.
    Hope you have a warm, happy weekend- xo Diana

  9. oh, this is just so cute! love the snowmen and clever little snowballs! the plaid scarves and snowy owl crate are perfect for January!! xoxo

  10. I love the warm feeling you've created! I know what you mean about the scarf - I have a red plaid one of my mother's that I always bring out at Christmas:) Have a great weekend! xo Kathleen Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home}

  11. What a charming entry to your home, Linda! Love how you display your MIL's scarf. Such a sweet touch. I love that funny snowman in his long underwear :) xx Karen

  12. Very cute and wintry. Not much in the way of winter here except gray and rainy. I'm very happy to not be dealing with a lot of snow. xo Laura

  13. You sure know how to inspire us, Linda. Love all your wintery decorating!

  14. That's a great way to decorate for Winter. Very appropriate for living in a snowy region too. It would look out of place in my home since it's going to be 70 degrees today. Ha!

  15. Your home looks so nice in winter. Every year, including this one, Im struggling to decorate after the holidays.. I always feel burnt send me some inspiration. I love chalkboard art an will look at Lillie's. Thank you for your sweet comment on our losing our precious Little One.

  16. Linda...Absolutely Beautiful! You have a wonderful eye and talent for putting things together. My idea of decorating is running the vacuum.


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