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A Simple Project...

paper towel holder Itsy Bits And Pieces

Recently, I decided to replace my countertop paper towel holder.  I wanted something to hang on the side of my cabinet to save space and be at a handy level.  After checking online, and finding several nice, but pricey options...I decided to design my own!  I decided to do something with an industrial look and headed to the hardware store to pick up some galvanized pipe and fittings in the plumbing aisle!  
I used 1/2" size pipe and bought~
  • a length of 12" pipe
  • a length of 4" pipe
  • a 90 degree elbow
  • a 3" plate
  • a cap

These assembled in about a minute!  You can try putting it together at the store to make sure the pieces all go together.  After deciding where I wanted it, we drilled holes for bolts, and put the bolts through the cabinet wall.   Use bolts long enough to go through the cabinet, plus a little extra for nuts.  Nuts were attached to the bolts on the inside of the cabinet to tighten down for a strong hold.


paper towel holder Itsy Bits And Pieces


We are loving this addition to the kitchen, easily accessible and so easy to change out the roll...I think it looks great, too!  It was a fun, under $15 project, much less than the $50-$60 dollars for holders I saw online...and it is my style!

paper towel holder Itsy Bits And Pieces

Industrial style paper towel holder- Itsy Bits And Pieces

Until next time...have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Replies
    1. I just wanted to thank you for posting this blog--I liked the look, the idea, and your easy to follow photos. I did this project yesterday and it's perfect. Thanks again for sharing both the idea and tutorial!

  2. You clever thing!!!!

    I really love the industrial style.


  3. I love it, how neat! I'm pinning this on my Industrial Style board! I think my husband would like this especially putting it together.:)

  4. What a timely post! I JUST the other day broke my cheapo plastic paper towel older that was mounted up underneath the cabinets. I wanted a heavy duty one, that I could mount on the cabinet, right above the sink, and one that had an open ended top to just plop the roll right on. You are a genius. I did take my counter top holder, the one that I was using in a bathroom to hold tp, and painted it red, and put it on my counter top, but I have limited counter space, and would much rather mount one on the cabinet out of the way. I am showing this to Greg...I will let you know!!!
    xo Kris

  5. You are a genius! I never would have thought of that. I looooove how it looks against the beadboard cabinets. I looks amazing and is so practical.

  6. I like it Linda. It's off the counter and has that salvaged utilitarian feel.

  7. WOW Linda that is amazing and goes so perfect with your kitchen.

  8. Brilliant, Linda. I think it's my style too.
    except we don't do paper. Hmmm...I'm thinking just a towel bar for me.

    love this thanks for sharing it! have a great wrap up to the week!Pat

  9. Very cool! Very urban farmhouse style!

    Those plumbing pipes and things are cool to work with. I once used one as a curtain rod out on my screened porch. It was a bit deal to undo it all to get my curtain clips off so I eventually took it down. But I love that look!

  10. Now you are so clever Linda. I love this idea.

  11. What a fun idea, Linda! I'm surprised how expensive towel holders have gotten. Yours is super cool!

  12. Linda, Kudos to you. For being creative and saving money. The holder looks great and that is a super plus. Smiles, Susie

  13. I love the way it looks hung on the side of your cabinet. I too, have wanted to find some idea to get mine off the counter. Thanks so much for the great idea and list of supplies needed. I would never have figured this out! I'm going to try it! xo Pam

  14. That`s great looking dear Linda,
    what a wonderful idea, to make that yourself, and so practical on the cabinet side.
    You are a very clever woman!

  15. I'm loving your industrial chic paper towel holder! I've wanted to add an industrial looking towel bar to the end of our kitchen table, and now you've given me simple instructions to get it done. Thanks for sharing, Linda!

  16. Love, love, love it! What a great way to add a little funky industrial vibe...

  17. It sure is, and I love
    the industrial vibe, too.
    I'd like to do a similar
    look, but with copper
    pipe, for my kitchen!
    I don't like the real estate
    on the kitchen counter
    taken up with my holder,
    either. Well done, sweet

    Happy Weekend,
    xo Suzanne

  18. I thought that turned out very cool....I even showed my husband.

  19. wow, way cute, Linda! I just bought one...but it wasn't $50-60, so I feel pretty good about it. Wish we had gorgeous cupboards like yours to hang it from!

  20. this is so great and clever! i may have to try it sometime!!

  21. Very clever Linda and so thrifty!. Do you have to take the top nut off to replace roll? When and if we ever settle in a new permanent spot, I would do this for sure. Going to save this in my favorites. You clever girl, you. Ann

  22. OMG that is genius!!! I love that is is so handy!


  23. That looks really great! You're so smart!
    Hugs, cindy

  24. Aren't you clever! I love that idea.

  25. Replies
    1. We've been using this for several years now, and it's been great!

  26. I found your project on Pinterest, sent my husband a screenshot, and he had it done within hours (finished up what he was doing, went to the store...5 minutes later--PRESTO!). Love it so far! Thank you!

  27. Just found this. What a creative idea! I never understood the paper towel holder on the counter and have been looking for ideas. Thank you for sharing!

  28. Does it not affect the opening of the shutters on the window? I am all for this idea, have the supplies written out to go pick then up, and thought about the shutters because I too have them and am worried about causing them to not open all the way, I love my sunshine coming through more!!

    1. I actually only open the four inner shutters when I need to...ours are up for privacy. We would look right into our neighbors kitchen!

    2. Also, you can adjust where you want it on the side of your cabinet, to give you space you need!


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