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The Bachman's Spring 2011 Ideas House- the Bedrooms...

Ready to see the bedrooms?  Today is the final segment from the Bachman's Spring 2011 Ideas House!  Lots of fun photos, so this post is a little long...remember to click on any photo to see it enlarged!  The girl's room is a vision in pink...perfect for a tiny dancer!  Decorated letters look charming on the wall...

What girl wouldn't want her own practice the chandeliers...

What a great chippy!

Isn't this a cute and inexpensive wall treatment?  Ribbon crisscrossed, with paper flowers held by decorative thumbtacks...

A stool, painted pink, makes a sweet side table...

and wall mounted buckets serve as cute storage for stuffed animals...

 Pretty pink silk flowers make lovely tiebacks!

Next is the cute boy's room!  My sweet daughter, Liana accompanied me on my second trip to the house!  I often go twice to see everything and take lots of photos!

The boy's room is for the global explorer!  The headboard  is made of an old wood sliding barn door with the name written in rope!

The valances are treasure maps clipped to whips... perfect for the little Indiana Jones...

The desk area is backed with a great vintage map, and the light fixtures are made with two globe halves...

Crates make great, rustic storage...

old hangers display paper treasures...

and an old barrel becomes a stool!

Thought I'd add a few shots from the upstairs bathroom...vintage candle clips are used on the shower curtain...

and hooks added to old shoe forms make great decorative towel holders!

Vintage containers make cute candles...

and an old stepladder serves as fun storage!

Aren't these plants pretty hung from the old towel rack?

The last room is the master bedroom...I LOVE the chandelier reading lights...

Vintage plant holders make charming side tables...

and an old washtub stand now serves as a luggage bench!

Such a lovely old dresser...

Old spools are used as beautiful necklace displays...

and an old fence piece is used to display scarves!

I loved the idea of using vintage lids, sugar etc, turned into photo displays!

A big silk flower makes a fun tieback here, too!

Wouldn't you love to have this antique dress?  OH SO pretty...

Well, that's it!  Hope you enjoyed the tour and found some inspiration, too! If you missed the two earlier posts from this house, just go back a few posts... also remember the four 2010 Ideas Houses have links on my sidebar.  The next Ideas House (Summer) is open May 26th- June 12th (closed Mondays).  You can visit their website for more info!

Until next time...


  1. So many fun ideas...I STILL haven't made it yet! Guess I still have a little bit of time. Thanks for the peek :) Laurel

  2. Oh my! There are so many amazing ideas! I love the bedspread in the girls room and the hanging globe lights in the boys. Also the shoe stretchers as towel holders hung in a frame!!! Thanks so much for letting us see these.
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. TONS of great ideas Linda. Great post. Thanks for the eye candy. And your daughter is absolutely gorgeous!!! Like momma like daughter ;) Guess what? I just went to an auction and picked up the oldest, chippiest step ladder and used it in my bathroom for storage! My hubby thought I was nuts, but he stopped asking a long time ago. LOL!

  4. Love the kids rooms especiallyk...thanks again for the wonderful tour!


  5. Love the shoe mold and bobbin ideas.These tours you shared have so much inspiration for common things we have laying around.Helped me to think outside the box a little more.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  6. wow what amazing rooms.
    I am so glad they included a boys room. boys always seemed to be left out.
    Thanks for sharing this amazing tour.

  7. Love, love, love all of these wonderful bedrooms! Thanks for always taking us along with you!!

    Kat :)

  8. Oh i loved this tour so much Linda!!
    I loved that cover on the girls bed with the roses!!!
    My head is just spinning from all these creative ideas!!

  9. I really enjoyed the tour with you! Lots of great ideas. The shoe forms/towel hangers are so cool. Whoever did the decor was wonderfully inventive! Vanna

  10. This place looks so amazing, Linda. Thanks for sharing. I especially love the chandelier sconces and ceiling tile headboard!

  11. Again, thank you so much for the tour! So many wonderful ideas!

  12. Lots to love!! My fave is the pink bedroom..ahh! Gorgeous photo's, thanks for sharing xo

  13. I always look forward this, and am never disappointed. Liana is beautiful!

  14. Thanks Linda! The bedrooms didn't disappoint. I love the boys room...the map on the wall and the globe halves for hanging lamps was too cool!
    Have a great week.

  15. so cool! love that fence as a scarf rack. wow

  16. That was such fun! Thanks so much for the tour. Makes me hope I have a granddaughter one day just to do up a little girls room. The boy's room was equally cute. Loved he valance. Lots of great ideas.

  17. Linda, thanks again for all the pictures. I love the spools holding the necklaces! Ann

  18. So many great ideas! I loved the planter sidetables :)


  19. OH MY GOSH, this is amazing, Linda! WOW! Such awesome ideas...I'm surprised they don't make a movie about the place! lol

    Thank you so much for taking us on this is astounding!! I love the ballet slippers and the lettering that says "Dance." Adorable!!!


  20. So many great ideas. Thanks again for the tour of the home. I've save some of the photos to my "ideas" folder.

  21. I always love when you post these tours! The ideas never end at the Bachman's :0)

  22. Your daughter
    is so pretty ~
    just like her
    mama : ) I was
    too overwhelmed
    to take as many
    photos as you did ~
    so much to take in!
    Can't wait for the
    next one!
    xx Suzanne

  23. Thanks for the great tour! Such wonderful rooms for a young girl and boy.


  24. Oh, some of these ideas are fab! I love the spool idea. Ok, I have to hire the Hubbs to get this project up and running. Suck up time;)
    xxx Liz

  25. Thanks for the tour and the website info. GREAT ideas as usual. Mimi

  26. Fantastic house and tour. Loved all the photos and I grabbed a few ideas. The globe lights are too cool! Also loved the pink chippy cabinet. I bet you have a lot of fun with your daughter. She looks just like you... very pretty :)
    Have a great night!

  27. Wow, unbelievable rooms!!! I would have loved to have your daughters room, I was a dancer growing up, love what you did with the toe shoes in the ceiling with the lights!!! Just beautiful and very creative!!! lucky kids!:)


  28. I can't claim credit, Kim~ Bachman's is a garden, landscape, and home decor company in Minnesota~ this is their ideas house, they change it our 4 times a year!

  29. Linda,
    You must have some kind of pull by now, with all of these beautiful pictures. Don't you think we could have a slumber party there for a night? Just gather all the wonderful area women who blog and have it all to ourselves? See what you can do, OK?
    Seriously, it is outstanding. My favorite. And your daughter is lovely. Maybe we could just have the to of us and our daughters?????

  30. Linda, I got so many ideas from this post, so thank you!!! I have been stumped on what to do for my headboard, we got a new bed(king now) and I have been trying to think of something thin, but that I'd like. Thanks!!!


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