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Turkeys and a Countdown to Christmas Project...

It's nearly Thanksgiving here in the of my favorite times of year...and these little guys have made their way into our home...

Have any of these visitors shown up at your house?

With Thanksgiving upon us, Christmas isn't far behind!  Doing a little re-purposing, I made a fun countdown to Christmas project this week! (This post contains some affiliate links)
Recently, I found an old metal store display stand at an antique can find them pretty inexpensively...
I paid $5 for this one.

I cut a piece of heavy boxboard to fit the opening...

You can see how it will slide right into the frame...

 I covered the boxboard with some  Repositionable Chalk Roll, a movable contact paper style chalkboard.  
You can cut it to the size you want.  
You can also just paint the boxboard with chalkboard paint, 
or just use some black cardstock to slide in over the boxboard.

I drew a grid with regular chalk and then used 
a paint pen to draw the letters...

Once the paint was dry, I lightly rubbed chalk 
over the surface and blended it...

Here's how one looked on black cardstock, too...

I took white 3 x 5 unlined index cards, punched a top center hole in each one, and stamped them with numbers for the countdown.  
I used Cavallini 
But you could draw your own, or even print them.

I designed mine to start 25 days out, on November 30...

and used a cut-out star for the Christmas Day card.  You could choose lots of different things for the last card...

I used a vintage magnetic hook...I am sure they have these new at office supply stores, as well...and attached it to the front of the display frame.

The number cards are so fun hanging on the hook...

Well, we are hosting Thanksgiving here this year, so I better start getting ready!  So much to be thankful for...
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving!

I am joining~


  1. Love your countdown to Christmas project. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  2. Well, aren't you creative! Great idea!

  3. You are just toooo smart !!! LOL

    Adorable and smart

  4. That is a really, really cute idea, Linda. Things like that are always so much fun. That would make a fun gift for a family, too. Love it- xo Diana

  5. Such a fun way to count down the days until Christmas, Linda! I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. I'm totally in love with those stamps!

  7. This is just absolutely adorable!!!!!! Love, love, LOVE!!

  8. Love your sign, Linda!
    Have a great Thanksgiving.

  9. Fun sign and I bet the grand's will really enjoy it!
    I'm having the family over, daughter is cooking the turkey this year.

  10. Wowwwww Linda! What a great Countdown DIY. i really like it.
    Have a nice Werk
    Hugs Kuni

  11. Love this countdown. I even have some turkey salt and pepper shakers like the first ones you have. I also have a second set that is a little different. They came from my father-in-law when we cleaned out his house. So they are a little special and sit on my kitchen cabinet ready for the upcoming holiday.

  12. This is darling, Linda! Thanks for the link to the stamps too - I love them!

  13. Love it, Linda. How absolutely charming!
    And I love the turkeys - they remind me of some that were in my grandmother's house.


  14. Adorable gobblers, Linda. I think I have a few of the same ones. And that standing metal display sign. I have an old rusted out one that I've had for years and I keep thinking I'll get it out and use. You've inspired me to get the lead out and just find something for it. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  15. Love your Christmas always inspire me!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  16. Cute countdown idea. Have fun with all those Gobblers on Thanksgiving!

  17. Linda, That's a cute idea. I really like it. It's good especially if there are little ones on the house. Blessings to you and yours for a beautiful thanksgiving day. xoxo,Susie

  18. You always find the best pieces Linda--those little gobblers are so cute! And the countdown to Christmas project is so darn creative. I love it. I'm so happy you're hosting Thanksgiving this year.... How nice to be surrounded by family and friends. Hugs to you ... And thank you for all your wonderfully supportive comments. I'm so grateful for you Linda.

  19. What a fun idea and so clever to be able to change out the tag every day. Love your sweet turkeys! Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thansgiving celebration, Linda. Thanks in advance for sharing at VIParty.

  20. So clever Linda. Very creative. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  21. I love it! And I love your gobblers, they remind me of my mom who had the same or similar.

  22. Love the turkeys but your Count Down Calendar is so clever and fun!

  23. No turkeys over here :( love yours though! Happy Thanksgiving Linda.

    I love your 'days to Christmas' project... it's really sweet

    Karen x

  24. HA< HA>> this... I have an old printers' set of letter/number blocks down stairs, I bet the Grand would get a big charge out of doing this.....I need to get some green and red something to print with. LOVE it, and I have a wall chalkboard which will work too! Thanks for the Idea!

  25. What a fun sign, Linda ~ great idea! Blessings, Cecilia

  26. Hi Linda! Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. Love the sign idea!!! I keep saying I'm going to work on some holiday projects, but it just isn't happening for me this year. Love seeing your projects though. Hugs and best wishes!!! Karen

  27. Love this, Linda! Can't say I've ever come across one of these, but maybe I just wasn't seeing the potential;)

    1. Thank you, Lora! They make great photo frames, too! I found this one at a vintage sale!

  28. What an original! OOAK! Grands will love it! OK, so I'm just a kid in an old body!


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