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Things of Beauty...

Not exactly the beautiful things you were expecting, huh?  If you've been following my blog for awhile, you know I love vintage sporting goods!  Remember this urn I bought at a garage sale recently?  Well, it is on our table in the sunporch filled with these beautifully worn goodies...

For me, these are each like little works of art...a sweet name written in childhood...

 beautifully worn and chippy leather...

old lacing...

And I love how they look in the urn, too...

How about you...things of beauty?

I am joining the fun at Vintage Inspiration Friday

Until next time...hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. My eyes see things of beauty too. What a wonderful collection! Happy weekend to you :)

  2. How awesome! I love these baseballs and in the URN they look super!

  3. way too funny...lately I've been picking up old baseballs whenever I see them at yard/garage sales...have about 7-8 now - all worn and lovely like I just need an urn! you are inspiring!

  4. Linda, your balls are beautiful (sorry that makes me giggle a lil). Honestly though, I have a HUGE cloche full of vintage baseballs and they get such attention when someone comes into our house. I LOVE baseball therefor, I LOVE my balls : )
    Have a wonderful weekend ~

  5. Linda, that is so beautiful. I love owe baseballs in that urn!


  6. Great collection! They might even bring the Twins good luck.

    I just saw some old children's boxing gloves at a shop. Sweet!

  7. Well, I think those are pretty beautiful! I can always see the pretty in objects around us-xo Diana

  8. Oh my gosh, I LOVE those old baseballs!
    My Dads name is sweet!!

  9. I'm with ya Linda, BEAUTY!! Looking at them makes me think of all the fun hours some little kids must've had making them look that worn! Great display!!!

    Jeannine @ The Concrete Cottage

  10. I love your baseballs!! I have to say I would never have thought of putting baseballs in an urn, but they look great and they bring up so many memories of summers past. I love old things that are beautiful and interesting to the eye and touch our hearts and minds as well.

  11. Absolutely...things of beauty! I Love the way you have them displayed in your urn. They really do make quite a statement with their time-worn charm.

  12. Linda, you have accentuated the beauty of something many of us may pass by. I love the name written on the baseball and the red stitching. I say yes, beauty. Ann

  13. Linda, thay could really tell so many wonderful, and maybe also sad stories,if we understood :-)
    they are gorgeous in all their used glory, and looks fantastic collected in your urn, dear.
    Hugs from Dorthe,happy week-end,too!

  14. I think they are things of beauty... they make me think of worn pebbles.

    I love to pick up pebbles and feel the smoothness of them and see how they change when wet.

    Have a great day...

    I'm off to the Vintage Fair today in Bath...... hooray hooray hooray... gotta get ready now :)


  15. I adore elevating a hard working vintage find to grandeur.
    Such is it with beautiful as you have so thoughtfully shown.
    Happy Summer!

  16. Linda, I love those baseballs. They make me think of my grandson and how he loved playing sports. Baseball is one thing I can watch on t.v. Better than golf, shh don't tell Ted I said that. Smiles, Susie

  17. We're gonna win Twins! We're gonna score! Beautiful in the planter! I'd love to do it but they seem to cost a buck a piece at Unique and I like lots of them! Great looking!


  18. I am looking for more partners for the Summer Vintage Hatbox Swap. We are at it again. come say hi and check it out. i am contacting all of those who participated in the jar swap. hugs to you Linda

  19. Nothing like a well-used baseball to bring a sense of satisfaction to life. But, then, baseball has been our family's life for the past 16 years. Our son started playing at age 5 and finished his career after four years at the University of Arkansas. Baseball covers can make some wonderful jewelry and home accessories, too, so I never throw a ball away just because the cover might be a bit tattered or torn. Thanks for sharing, Linda!

  20. Linda,
    i have some of those baseballs, too. I am not quite sure what to think of them so they sit in a pretty dish. I know they are worth something but I don't quite appreciate their beauty yet!!!

  21. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...I love them!

  22. I do love your collection! Little bits of history and some fun times thrown in. Mimi

  23. What a great collection - they have a lot of character!
    Country Style Chic

  24. I think vintage baseballs are wonderful - such a beautiful, worn patina (can baseballs have patina?) I love the way they look in the urn.


  25. Those are so cute. Love the handwriting on them.


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