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Bachmans Fall Ideas House 2011- Part 2

Well, time for more from the Bachman's Fall Ideas House 2011!  Thank you so much for all of your nice comments about my last post...I really appreciate that you enjoy seeing the fun ideas!  Today I'll share some of the living room, sunroom, hallway, and bathroom ideas!  I love these "book" clever!

An old trunk lid married to an industrial base becomes a fun side table!

Have you ever thought of using an old wood ironing board as a behind the sofa table?

Old windows and salvaged wood become a great coffee table...

I LOVE the old print block decorating the interior base!

The sunroom had a wine theme!  They had a drawing giving away the contents of this room...wouldn't you love to win this?

Old barrels became decorative wall shelves...

and cut-off wine bottles are used for candles!

The stairwells had decorative artwork~ old windows and photos on burlap backgrounds.

 Another of my favorite ideas was this piece~ I like how the mailing side of the postcards was used!

I have a few bathroom ideas to share, too!  They used vintage buffet tops as shelves and mirrors...

this yardstick had hooks attached and served as an oh-so-decorative curtain rod...

and a divided box makes decorative and practical wall storage!

Next time...the bedrooms!  Remember if you would like to see more of past houses, just click on the labels link at the end of this post!

Until next time...


  1. Love the idea of the box on the wall in the bathroom. I may have to steal that idea. We are always in need of more storage in that room!


  2. Hi Linda, I always love these posts you do for us! I get so much inspiration from this home. I like the yard stick curtain rod, how clever! Hope you enjoyed your weekend~SueBee

  3. Linda- What wonderful ideas. I will have to go back because I missed Part 1 somehow. LOVE so many of these ideas-Thanks- xo Diana

  4. Wonderful!!! I had to show my handy husband the one of the "book" shelves, I love the look! I would love to use that idea somewhere.
    Thanks so much for letting me know that this was up and thanks for doing it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  5. Great ideas! I love those book shelves and the printers blocks in the coffee table. What inspiring ideas.


  6. I love that you Minnesota girls share this with us every year! One great idea after another. In the 70's it was really a hot idea to cut off wine bottles and use them for flowers or candles. I love the books as book shelves! so many great ideas all in one place!


  7. I love all of these. The literal bookshelves are my favourite. All so innovative and so effect. These are fabulous Linda. Thank you. penny

  8. Linda, I think this is one of the best of the house I have seen. There is just something about the cohesiveness of it all that I love!!!
    Did you enter the drawing?

  9. So many great ideas... I love the window coffee table and the ruler curtain rod. That wine cart is amazing! Someone actually gets to take that home/ That is very cool, thanks for sharing, Linda! t. xoxoxo

  10. This house is inspiring! I love the crate/shelf in the bathroom. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas!

  11. What fantastic ideas! I love the "book" shelves!



  12. Dear Linda- great ideas again- thanks-
    the coffe table is fantastic with all the old stamps inside-and the wooden box on the bathroon door a winner- maybe I would prefer to use it in another room, but it looks wonderful.

  13. Linda,
    What a wonderful Post!!! Love all the ideas!!! My fav...the old wood ironing board as a sofa table! So unique and perfect fit!
    I hope all is going well! Hugs...Brenda ;0)

  14. Love the curtain rod from the yard stick! Can't wait for more!

  15. Oh my gosh, so many beautiful and clever ideas. Some I just might use!


  16. Glad I did not miss part 2. My husband has made little candles like that out of some of his favorite beer bottles. Very cool! I also enjoyed the clock vignette wall, that looks great.

  17. Oh My goodness, I sure had fun catching up over here!!! Thank you so much for sharing all the wonderful ideas in these last two Posts. So inspiring!!!
    Take care,
    Mary Lou

  18. Fantastic decor ideas!!!! Thanks so much or sharing these great ideas! What a fun post!

  19. It seems they are always full of great ideas. Thanks for sharing with us. Hmmmmm, now which idea should I run with??? decisions, decisions

  20. Those "book" shelves are SO stinkin' cute! I would love to have a wall of those somewhere, but they don't really go with my cottage-y house. :) (but I LOVE them!)
    I'm glad you learned something from my chair tutorial...that rope stuff is fun to work with. It's also great to make pillows with..instant, silk rope cording!
    I always enjoy your Bachman would be SO fun to help decorate that place!
    Love ya lady!

  21. Thanks again Linda for the tour! The yardstick curtain rods are something I like! Ann P.S. Hah! just saw on the side there that Suebee said the same thing. No wonder I like her so much...

  22. I love it when you do these posts!

    Truly we have nothing like it in the UK :(

    So much to love and be inspired by... the 'book' book shelves, the wooden measure stick and the wooden ironing board to name a few!

    Thank you for sharing


  23. Love the ruler as a curtain rod! And many, many other things too=) Thanks for sharing again~

  24. I love the Singer sewing machine stands used outside to hold up flower planters! What a great idea! My backyard is an herb garden with some hidden antique treasures and I just so happen to have several of the singer sewing Im thinking the planter box idea would be lovely amongst all of my yummy smelly herbs! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Thanks for sharing these great ideas Linda! The "book" shelves are fabulous! And I want that wood caddy for my bathroom too! :)

  26. Where did you get a cd case like that, I have a bathroom exactly like the one pictured and that cd case would solve so many challenges!!!
    Thanks for any help you can offer!
    DeLain I

    1. You can try contacting and they might be able to help you on their "Contact Us" feature.

  27. I am pinning some of these ideas! I love these tours. Thanks Linda!


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